A personal view by Kevin Hogan
The bigger picture
Corbyn comes with a message of peace and a will to move towards a system of defence that involves talking instead of violence; he talks of the neutralisation of a system that makes possible one push of a button starting a chain reaction that will make this planet uninhabitable for some 20,000 years – and they call him foolish and unrealistic. He talks against a bombing campaign that will continue to have, and does have, innocent women and children tremble and die in their beds - and they call him again.
We see an unprecedented growth in Labour Party membership, under his guidance and direction, and they say he "lacks leadership".
We see a man who talks about compassion and care of the vulnerable, about the stress, trauma and humiliation of poverty, about the weak and disempowered, about the hungry and about the denigration of a proud working class people, some of whom have been forced to stand at food banks so they can feed their children - and they say he is out of touch with reality. So where does he lack character, integrity, honour and leadership? Whose game is it he is interfering with?
Is it that he has dared to step back, and outside of, a political economic culture that has so controlled our thinking that we have to worship its principles and anyone who dares to question it is labelled out of touch and backward thinking? What hope does neo-liberalism offer my children and grandchildren?
The answer must be: no hope in comparison to what Corbyn has to offer. Because the game of neo liberalism is a game played by a political class who serve the best interests of their corporate buddies (and their own survival as politicians) and their own egos. These egos demand they are seen to be in touch with and running with the dominant economic mind set. They are terrified to be seen as not being a part of it all. Egos that demand they chant the market mantra for fear of being seen as backward and not vibrant, market aware, forward thinkers. It’s nothing less than political and intellectual fashion and pride.
Are they any better than little working class Tories that think they are above us all because we just don’t understand the value and principles of liberalism, personal freedom and welfare consumerism?
These people elevate themselves by supporting the very policies that will condemn them and their children to poverty, because it is more important, for them. to be seen as “one who understands”.
Just let me remind those people: capital has no compassion, no loyalty and no patriotism.
The globalisation and deregulation of financial markets, wage depression and commodification of the human being (enabled much by the “forward thinking” period of the "New Labour" years) has allowed the market to ditch any attachment to values that connect with or care for people.
Corbyn cares for people but doesn’t care what you think. So they call his not caring "disunity". They talk about bad feeling within the party and they feel uncomfortable. Is that because they can’t play their political class games anymore?
Well, feel uncomfortable - because while you’re playing these games our children are hungry. Our sick parents can’t get the treatment they need. Our young have no hope and live lives of despair, lives that lack hope and direction. Our proud friends, brothers, sisters, stand at food banks and beg to feed their families.
Our young and old stand at night shelters and wait in the dark for a camp bed.
Our courageous, traumatised. combat veterans suffer and die in this country for lack of support. This is our world, this is the world we live in while you play your games and protect your own values and comfortable careers. All this happens while you serve the interests of the financial elite and stand trembling in fear of what they may think if you so much as dare to criticise or question the freedom of the market to centralise power and disempower the people.
“Democracy”, as they perceive it, has been exposed for what their conception of it it really is. Challenge it and it will take you to pieces, discredit you, label you as a person who lacks character and integrity.
Over the last weeks we have seen one or two stand by Corbyn, then stand against him, then stand down, then stand for someone else.
Is that character and integrity?
If I were to say I will only run with the winning side; would that be character? And would you trust me?
Corbyn has not faltered. Against attack, after attack, after attack from people within his own party and people who supported him, people that he trusted, friends who betrayed him, against all of this Corbyn has stood firm and true to his beliefs. Beliefs that offer my children hope for the future, beliefs that take us back to a politics that gave us all security, prosperity and a sense of value.
Don’t insult my intelligence by telling me I am out of touch.
As a misguided young man I went and fought Thatcher’s war and watched brave, courage-filled and honourable, young men sacrifice their lives in a war that served her needs.
I was then naive and misdirected. I went on to believe Blair and his market adoration would save us, I was again naïve and misdirected. Then I was out of touch. No more please, we have been conned and lied to far too many times.
And the people are waking up.
Corbyn is a leader, the problem for them, his opponents, is that he is just not leading in a way that serves their own interests and egos.
Corbyn is not serving his own interests, comfort and need. If he were, he would simply go along comfortably as part of the career-minded political class and chant the market-mantra that ensures a safe and comfortable club membership.
Our kids are hungry and the right wing media (the media) and his “in-party” opponents are talking about his tie and suit and presentational skills like it matters - unbelievable. He has dared to speak for the people who are suffering and now he is being punished for his perceived foolishness.
The political class seemed at the least irritated and at worst angered that ordinary working class people have decided to take an interest in a game that was sacred to them. Their arrogance and irritation manifested itself in the changing of the rules and the membership price increase.
This was significantly symbolic of existing values and strategy. Sudden changes in rules and a membership price increase fended off many poor people from joining. For the first time in many years, and for the young the first time ever, people felt they had a leader who could make a difference in their lives.
They knew, prior to Corbyn, it was Labour neo-liberalism or Tory neo-liberalism and voting was in reality a phony game of democracy. Corbyn has ignited political interest. You see they, the poor, knew the game was rigged and knew party membership was irrelevant. Corbyn has reignited a form of class awareness and unity. And the NEC said ‘oh no you don’t’.
How do you think a single mum who stands in the rain at a phone box putting that night’s dinner money in the phone while she is 'on hold' to some privatised company who manage her rights and have sanctioned her benefits? How do you think she can afford to enter your democracy? You, my politician friend, may spend twice that much eating out. The single mum counts every penny.
The obscene sadness surrounding this issue of affordability is this: you little "Labour Tories" know she can’t afford to join, yet she needs to join because Corbyn is her and her child’s only hope. I know people surviving in poverty who have gone without so they could join and vote for Corbyn – because he offers them hope and life and freedom from despair.
So stand up, remember who you are and what you mums and dads fought for. If we all showed the same level of courage and leadership that Corbyn has shown in these last weeks – Wow think about it. Or we can play the game and jump with those who look like they give our political career the best chance of advancement.
I am working class, I have no riches. I have seen a bit of living and dying for causes and today I believe in peace. I believe I have had the honour to serve with some of the bravest men in the world and leaders who I would follow any time and place.
Corbyn gets my vote as a man, a human being and a leader who has demonstrated courage and integrity. Jeremy Corbyn is a true leader who speaks of peace, disarmament, care for the vulnerable, economic equality and equal rights for all. This man gets my support and vote.
Kev Hogan